Good. Better. Broker.

What does it take to succeed in the mortgage industry? Brokers who are “All In” with United Wholesale Mortgage know better than anyone and want to share their knowledge with you in a new podcast called Good. Better. Broker., your go-to source for expert advice from the best in the industry.

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Meet The Guests In This Episode

Diane Luongo-Gazich

Diane Luongo-Gazich has been involved in the real estate industry for almost 40 years. She prides herself on strategizing with the client to create a loan to best fit their lifestyle, cash flow and long-term goals. Diane believes that when a buyer is looking to purchase, it isn’t about “qualifying” the buyer, but about determining their “buying power.” Diane’s passion is to assist buyers in fulfilling their lifelong dreams of homeownership. She also works uniquely with her real estate partners on a social media platform created exclusively to maintain their exposure within the community and obtain new, long-lasting relationships. She prides herself in her open communication with all parties involved, providing knowledge and follow up to facilitate a smooth and enjoyable transaction.


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