United Wholesale Mortgage Offers New Flex Term Program

Dec 17, 2013, 10:58 AM by User Not Found
United Wholesale Mortgage just announced a new Flex Term program that allows brokers to select the amortization term that best fits the borrower’s situation.
United Wholesale Mortgage just announced a new Flex Term program that allows brokers to select the amortization term that best fits the borrower’s situation. “What our Flex Term program achieves is to empower our originators with the ability to customize the perfect loan for their customers while avoiding resetting the mortgage clock,” said Mat Ishbia, president of UWM. “We want to make our brokers as successful as possible and help borrowers obtain loans that are ideal for their personal scenario. Flex Term allows our originators to offer many of our products to borrowers that now accompanies the option to choose their desired amortization term.” 

Read the full article on National Mortgage Professional.
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